Favicon & Logo Setup

Learn how to configure favicons, app icons, and logos in your Next.js application.

Basic Favicon

Place your favicon in the app directory. Next.js 13+ automatically handles favicon detection:

├── favicon.ico    # Classic favicon - 32x32 pixels
├── page.tsx
└── layout.tsx

Advanced Icon Configuration

For comprehensive icon support, include these files in your app directory:

├── favicon.ico       # Classic favicon (32x32)
├── icon.png         # App icon (180x180)
├── icon.svg         # Vector icon
├── apple-icon.png   # Apple touch icon (180x180)
└── opengraph-image.png  # Social media preview (1200x630)

You can also generate icons dynamically using route segments:

// app/icon.tsx
import { ImageResponse } from 'next/server'
// Route segment config
export const runtime = 'edge'
// Image metadata
export const size = {
  width: 32,
  height: 32,
export const contentType = 'image/png'
// Image generation
export default function Icon() {
  return new ImageResponse(
          fontSize: 24,
          background: 'black',
          width: '100%',
          height: '100%',
          display: 'flex',
          alignItems: 'center',
          justifyContent: 'center',
          color: 'white',

Metadata Configuration

Configure icons through the metadata object in your layout.tsx:

// app/layout.tsx
export const metadata = {
  icons: {
    icon: '/icon.png',
    shortcut: '/shortcut-icon.png',
    apple: '/apple-icon.png',
    other: {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon-precomposed',
      url: '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png',

Best Practices

  • Use SVG or PNG format for best quality
  • Provide multiple sizes for different devices
  • Include a fallback ICO file
  • Optimize images for web use
  • Test icons across different browsers and devices

Recommended Sizes

Icon TypeSizePurpose
favicon.ico32x32Classic browser favicon
icon.png180x180Modern browsers
apple-icon.png180x180iOS devices
opengraph-image.png1200x630Social media previews
MatureStack LogoBuilt with MatureStack